• 一天一块加速器

    自由之门 手机版

    World's most used cloud platform
    GDPR Ready
    Hosted in EU(Bucharest)
    Free Unlimited Bandwidth


    自由之门 手机版

    Intel Xeon CPUs
    Flexible RAM
    Enterprise disks in RAID
    SSD based
    Global Presence


    自由之门 手机版

    Intel Xeon CPUs
    16-1024GB RAM
    Enterprise drives
    Flexible configurations
    Bespoke Solutions
    Global Presence

  • Service

    自由之门 手机版

    Intel Xeon Silver 4110
    64 GB RAM DDR4
    2x240 GB SSD
    1Gbps Uplink
    Unlimited Bandwidth
    Bucharest, Romania


自由之门 手机版

We have been providing IT solutions since 1980. Focusing on high availability service providing and developing customised ecommerce and enterprise software since 1995, we aim to find the most efficient long-term individual solutions for our valued clients.


自由之门 手机版

"Since 1999, Castlegem has been providing the Vienna Medical Association with superb uptime for our online presence as well as outstanding skills in terms of software and application development."

Press Office
Vienna Medical Association

"After a detailed survey of available web hosting solutions, we decided to choose Castlegem. We have been extremely pleased with the quality provided and are impressed again and again by the quick responses to our needs."

Dr. Kirsten Roomp
University of Luxembourg

"Since 2012, Castlegem have been providing hundreds of trading clients with outstanding service in various locations, and are continuously tuning their network to perfectly fit our needs."

James D.
Trader Community
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